Quick, let's hear it; your favorite day of the year! I knew it. I also said Halloween. Okay, well for those of you out there who did say Halloween, I hear on that one. I too love this frightful occasion that only comes once a year. It's not just about the candy! I mean sure, I consume a hefty load of the treats my eight-year-old daughter acquires on October 31st, but there's so much more to this special day. It's about coming out of your shell, literally. Finally you get to be who ever you wish to be. Whether it's a monster, ghoul, goblin, fairy, spy, or just some beautiful goddess, who frolics about in fancy dress costumes, you can be it. If nothing else, you have to love the escapism Halloween night provides.
Last Halloween I spotted hundreds of costumes in my neighborhood alone. I can't help but wonder if children from numerous other subdivisions hit-up ours as well. Yeah, I'm on to those little candy munchers. They're all out trying to fill their bags to the very brim with sweats and various treats. What am I saying? I did the very same thing when I was little. Anyway, let's talk costumes. Is it all about the fancy dress costumes or the terrifying monster get-ups? From my experience, I've noticed that the fancy dress costumes on girls produce the most goods. Seriously, if you're a small girl with a princess costume, you can't lose. It doesn't matter if an old woman comes to the door or a 30-year-old man. All will bow down to the sweet, innocent little females in their fancy dress costumes. They'll smile with a benign light in their eyes and say something like "Here, you take as much as you need." It's a certain power that all little girls and their fancy dress costumes should embrace. I watched my little girl do so and it worked every time.
Sure, you can hit-up the local Halloween stores when September roles around or rent fancy dress costumes from the year-round costume shops, but I suggest a simpler route. Get online and take a surf. This is where you'll encounter the best collection. Take your pick from countless costumes, masks and Halloween props.