I am probably one of the slight few who have never walked the Vegas strip. I've never dined in their famous restaurants, tossed dice in their big-time casinos, or hung out with buddies in a Vegas night club. Please tell me I'm not alone here. However, I am making plans to take a road trip to Sin City. As soon as my wife is up for the trip, we're Nevada bound. At this point I've heard so many Las Vegas adventure stories that I'm just at the point of annoyance. I've got to get down to this city...
Most don’t go into a bartending job thinking they have found a career to last the rest of their life, but if you find the right place to work, you can make some very decent money while doing it. Many like to do this as a second job on the weekends, or they do it to save money for school or even that something special they can’t get on their regular salary. Whatever the reason, there is always a need for bartenders. Those wishing to do this have to know something about mixing drinks, and...
Within the musical community, there is a debate about the value of music theory that will probably never ends. Is it important to study music theory scales, or is it much better to just dive into the music and experience it viscerally. The proponents of learning the theory regarded it as an essential part of knowing how to play music. You can learn by trial and error, they say, but you would do much better to benefit from the knowledge of other people. Not learning music theory when you play...
Whether you are having a get-together or whether you simply want to unwind, inexpensive wines can be great additions to your stock of beverages. Some might turn their noses up at cheaper brands but this is of no consequence to most of us normal folks. Wine-snobbery is really outdated. Today’s wine enthusiast knows that value is as important as taste.
Inexpensive wines have gotten a bad rap by wine snobs of the past. While there a few snooty drinkers among us winos, the majority of us...
Among front-end categories in the drug store channel, beer finishes somewhere ahead of stomach aids, but slightly below pain relievers in terms of total dollar volume. While at times the three are directly related, the fact remains that drug stores capture a significant share of the total retail market for stomach aids and pain relievers, but rank far below other channels when it comes to sales of beer.
According to the ACNielsen Homescan Consumer Facts 2004 Report, drug stores capture only...
The Wall Street Journal has performed a great service for beer drinkers. Veteran imbibers know that the fresher the beer is, the better it tastes. The problem is, how can you tell how fresh the beer is before you buy it? Now comes the Journal with an explanation of the code on the label that reveals the date by which the beer should be consumed. In the cases of three of my favorites--Miller Genuine Draft, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and Pilsner Urquell--the codes are easy to understand: The month, day,...
Use it or lose it!" For decades, health and fitness experts have chanted this mantra to promote fitness and good health. And it is sound advice, especially as we age. Unfortunately, the idea of walking, bicycling, kicking, stepping, running, "feeling the burn," or wriggling into a leotard becomes less attractive with each passing birthday. But there is one activity that is so universally enjoyable and beneficial few people consider it exercise: dancing. Every generation has a tempo of its...