by Dorian on A real connoisseur in beer selection I guess. The display seemed a bit divey at first but as a matter of fact it helped plummet and find ma brand. The scotch and the vodkas are just too good. Although the ambience is average and there is little space to sit if you are unable to reach early and grab a back parlor table, I still love the Juke Box selection and the controlled level of noise. Better than many NYC other bars.
Good thing is no liquor and just wines. The bartender is so knowledgeable and gives best suggestion to mix your wine. I found a hidden light just close to the bar and turning it on made the ambience better! Don’t know why they keep it off mostly.
by Riz on Never go there if you like huge places then never go there. It is just hell tiny with only the beers and wines. You won’t find liquor there. Bad aint it! It is just hidden place and if you ask someone to reach there while you wait you would be awfully trapped into bad juke box and unfriendly bartender. It felt the bartender knew ONLY the Belgian beers and mixes only for the Belgians.
The grossest part! The tiniest bathroom was really really GROSS! May be they want to keep the tininess going everywhere. Loathsome indeed! And all this bullshit on hell of expansive rates! Looked like ma bank account has been sucked up. F**king A**hole.