by Sophie on Such an economy for ma pocket! Superbly cheap drinks although they have an average ambience! I love this place because they charge significantly NOTHING for average drinks. Ma office hours allow me to hangout on Wednesdays only and this is the best place then. The lighting is poor although, but contrarily it makes the place worth it. Tiny but dark! Feels like gloomy little corner or hideout for ma soul!
A must place for a light pocket. I recommend it! Just tuck away and have some nice gossip for free with the friendly bartender. He even seems to suggest the drinks and listen to your life story when you are drunk and pouring with eager ears. I like his Allagash mix and the great brew like Captain Lawrence! Lovely!
by Joey on Only one best night and that too beyond weekend! Hell man! So casual ambience and just the juke box! Even no DJ and they ask for hell of bucks for one SINGULAR drink. Although it is quite but for party freaks it is just HELL! I felt tortured by the quiet.
The annoying little drunk maid hugging and kissing her date seemed so bad in this not crowded and strange place. The drink was just cold and ONLY the slice of lime seemed well. I even tried that one gnawing at it. Killing time eh!!!!
Honestly the indifferent attitude of the bartender has led me to stop going to this place and spoil my weekend nights. Not a good place for dates either.