1470 West
34 North Jefferson Street
Dayton, OH 45402
Montgomery County
Phone: (937) 461-1470
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Jerome Maenhout on
I won't pay another $5 cover for a Castro bar... especially one that is owned by Natali.  No, it's neither hip nor upscale.  Disappointing venue and as one friend put it "another twinkie pad"... I'll take the old Detour and Church Street Station spaces over a clone of that tasteless "Bar on Castro" any day.  Oh, back to the days of the Phoenix, the Troc, and the I-Beam.
by Gavin Kinne on
I always have a blast at Vertigo -- drinks are reasonable, crowd is pretty and the smoking room is great. Just STAY THE FUCK OFF MY DANCE PLATFORM. If I see you on thereI will verbally assault you, chug the drink in your hand and smash it on the ground. beware.
by Ed U. on
And reporting live from Mezzanine is our newest correspondent Britney Spears... Yo yo yo wassup...it's Britney, bitch! So you think this halter makes me look fat? I'm just chillin' with my friends here at Mezzanine This place is rad, like back in the day. But my homies and I, we was waitin' for DVD or Video...and waitin'...and waitin'. I have to leave 'cause I got a lot of work comin' my way after the VMAs I'm rehearsin' for my new Jenny Craig commercial... I look at a plate of Twinkies like I serve my boys and sing... "Gimme gimme more Gimme more Gimme gimme more Gimme gimme more Gimme (Uh)" OK, somebody help me up And wassup with that skinny &%$ Sarah Silverman... If she don't chill, I'll beat her *&$ down Ooops. I did it again...damn MUSIC - 3.5 stars...where are all the good accordion bands? AMBIANCE - 4 stars...a cool, dark, cavernous space...a few more sofas couldn't hurt especially since the DJ set was oh-so long TOTAL - 4 stars...for the cool whippersnappers...I can show you my ID...please don't you want to see my ID??
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