2 Brothers Bar & Restaurant
239 West Monroe Street
Decatur, IN 46733
Adams County
Phone: (260) 724-2915
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by James H. on
For all the old-man, get-off-my-lawn, I-can-drink-you-under-the-table posturing that he does, it was fellow rateclubser Ivan S. that pointed out to me that I'd achieved regular status at seven different bars around Atlanta, the irony being that I don't really drink all that much. I don't have a particular fondness for cigarette smoke, either, so it's a wonder that I really enjoy going to the smoke-filled haze of five of those bars, The Local being one of them. While I can wax lyrical about the service (friendly and welcoming), the atmosphere (very smoky), or the food (one of the few places to get a genuine Chicago Hot Dog), I've come to realize that while the most compelling aspect of a restaurant is the food you eat there, the most enticing characteristic of a bar are the characters within it; and The Local certainly does not lack for characters (for a taste, you have only to look at the slideshow of buffoonery rotating on the iMac above the bar). Whether its the bartenders, the trainwreck trivia hostesses, the patrons (or doppelganger patrons), most everyone here is like the supporting cast of characters from a David Lynch work--peculiar, idiosyncratic, and lacking hesitation to call you on your shit--just like any family.
by Alex R. on
Great location and having a pool just adds to the charm. Near many good places to eat.
by Lorraine Howles on
Wow, really bad.  I mean, I know it used to be Polly Esther's... which gives it a good chance of not being the worst place every to inhabit that location... but its not beating them by much.  Why are these places trying to create a "LA/Miami" type vibe?  Hello, we live in San Francisco... our vibe is better so why downgrade?  The times I've been there (shamefully it was more than once) the upstairs was empty and the downstairs was packed.  Along with all the people downstairs was a horrible stench I hope I never have to experience again.
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