by Josh B. on It is a little expensive for tacos, but that is about all the bad stuff I have to say about Nicks Crispy Taco's After buying a Living Social Coupon for Nick's I went there for dinner with a buddy and ordered 2 tacos. I went with the Fried Fish and Shrimp Tacos Nicks Way. They were amazing, Slathered in Guac with wonderful fresh ingredients. I have no doubt that any of their tacos would kick some serious butt. 2 tacos for about $10 bucks got me almost full, they are bigger than your usual taqueria taco but still 3 would be the ideal amount. Even better, free chips and salsa would have done the trick. That did strike a bad chord with me as well. I believe that it is an unalienable right to free chips and salsa at Mexican food spots and they tried to charge $1.25 for them. All in all i would say give it a try, and hassle them to give you free chips and salsa.
by Andy S. on After way, way, way too long, I finally attended a show at Johnny Brenda's. I was in semi-retirement from seeing bands in small clubs, mostly because I spent many a year (and many a dollar...and many, many a brain cell) seeing bands at The Khyber, The Upstage, The Balcony, North Star, and wherever the hell else. Just burned myself out entirely. Time passes, reality returns, and a band I have wanted to see for years (Zombi) is playing at Johnny Brenda's. So I reach deep into the closet, find my rock shoes, and get back on the horse. JB's is easy to find. Street parking was also easy to find. So far, so good. In many respects it reminds me of The Khyber many years ago. You see, Old City used to be a dump. The Khyber was there, along with a host of other bars/clubs that aren't there anymore. Now Old City sucks, and The Khyber is slowing fading away. Time marches on, and now the whatever-you-want-to-call the neighborhood JB's finds itself in is much like Old City was lo those many years ago. Ok, woah, tangent. Focus! Ok, I didn't spend much time downstairs at JB's. Mostly enough to find the upstairs. From what I saw it seemed cool enough. Anyway I liked the upstairs portion...large enough bar, friendly people behind said bar, and when I ordered a Sly Fox I was countered with "which Sly Fox"? I bow to you, JB's bar. I shortly found myself in the balcony, and then dragged a chair right up to the railing in the middle, whereupon I sat for a good long while. I also liked how the up-upstairs bar was in itself a miniature version of the mid-upstairs bar...if I can avoid stairs whilst obtaining tasty draughts then all the better. The sound in the balcony was pretty good. A bit lean, a bit diffuse, but very good. Sightlines, obviously, were stellar. Better than the North Star, where you were way too close...this was put back a bit. After a while I went downstairs and the sound was way, way better. Much more low end, better imaging. Yes, I am an unrepentant douchewad. I care about sound. I haven't been to The Khyber (for reals) in forever, and after going to JB's I know why. JB's is the new Khyber. Five stars shall be granted after another visit, or two. I have to check out the jukebox (was one present? I didn't see it). I have to eat something there. I have to check out the sound from different vantage points. Again, the whole douchewad thing. Sorry.
by Florene Devery on Too bad that the horrendous door guy has made my fall from a really great night of 4 stars all the way down to a one star. Really... my experience was THAT bad. I was having a fabulous time with my one of my best friends (Kourt), Sonya and Jesse all night, drinking Jamies and Ciroc Sodas.. the music was top 40 but we didn't care and were raging on the dance floor thinking we were Janet Jackson or something. Then as the alcohol consumption increased we then became Madonna in her erotic video ;) Anyways.... at some point in the night some sort of beverage got spilled into my purse when I left it at our booth... and then Kourt thinking that I had left with a guy, left with Jesse while I was in the bathroom. The liquid in my purse fried my phone, and I as left with no numbers, no address, no way of getting in touch with them (who I was staying with). The lights had come on by now, I was brought out of my drunken fog with the painful reality of HOLY !^&%@^%$ what am I going to do???? I got shoved out the door, and left outside ALONE in Hollywood. Even after I was asking the door guy for their help in trying to find the bartender who knew Kourt and Jesse, or the promoter. I got treated like I was some crazy drunk b*tch... which I wasn't. I was completely stranded and they didn't even let me wait inside for my cab. They didn't help me find a hotel.. it was the CABBY who took me to the nearest Holiday Inn. I would much rather go around the corner to LAX where pretentiousness is accepted. At least there I know not to expect to be treated well by the bouncers!