by Kip Jansson on i joined the boy as he went to celebrate his buddy's birthday. first, i wish we knew there was valet parking, because we parked somewhere in one of the neighborhoods. it was icy, it was sleeting, and curses to ansly park and their stupid residential parking permit. anyway, shout is huge, surprisingly big, but since this was a french dinner set for 9:30 and we arrived at the equally french-appropriate time of 10, the whole place was pretty empty except for a few patrons at the bar. but overall i liked the feel, the decor was japanese-ish themed but still classy, i could see this as a nice place to bring a date. boy and i opted for the sushi end of shout (they also sell pizzas that looked delicious, but we weren't particularly hungry), with him ordering a miso soup, me with a nori salad, and both of us splitting the california combination ($15 - 1 california roll of i think 8 pieces, and 9 chef's choice nigiri). nori salad was about twice the amount normally given out at japanese restaurants (think 1.5-2 cups worth), so it's worth splitting the salad, as there's no way someone can eat all of that and something else. miso was alright, but i still haven't had GOOD miso soup for a while. sushi seemed great at first, i thought the wasabi was a bit lacking. the nigiri combination started off great! some shrimp, some salmon, some yellowtail... fast forward to this morning, boy waking up and complaining about indigestion and not feeling very good. darn sushi. two stars down the drain for indigestion. next time we might opt for pizza, but at least the nori salad was plentiful and made me happy. wait staff was very nice, very patient with all of my questions of nori salad sizes and drink options, etc. btw, hot drinks: anything of the coffee variety, and some tea. it was cold. i went for green tea.
by Romeo C. on No More! Kaput! Sayonara! No Mas! After 17 years and over 900 shows, The owner of the bar gave me the old fudge-sicle salute. The old turd burglar surprise. No notice. Couldn't even get a farewell blow-out throw-down party to thank my fans for their support and love. From my experience, The Star Bar does not respect performers any longer. There are no loyalties anymore. Money trumps art these days. The Star Bar is a sad, tired, hagged-out old lady these days. I knew her when she was fresh and engaging. Now she's showing the wear and tear of abuse. Indeed there is no surface that hasn't been anointed with beer, vomit,spit, piss or blood. I ain't hatin' on them. They too country to know how to act. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Check out my Facebook Music Page: ( My Funk Music Podcast has free Mp3 downloads of my sets: ( http://www.romeocologn...) Free Show Passes at the Romeo Cologne Facebook Fan Page: .( Love You!!! -Romeo Cologne
by Maria Dyreson on I used to dance in the belly of the ship for most of my first years in NYC. I was excited when they reopened- and hurried down to the "new" frying pan. Worst bartenders EVER. First time we went we were ignored for 20 minutes- even when we were sitting at the bar 4 ft from the bartender (she basically stayed in the corner and didn't look over the length of the bar the entire time-- and we were waving and saying "hi, excuse me?" very politely. We decided to give it another go-- because the food looked amazing, the sun was out and we assumed that one bartender just sucked. A new bartender was there and gave us a vodka soda splash of orange--- without any vodka! She rolled her eyes and angrily remade our drink with about 1/2 oz pour of vodka in each-- for $16! INSANE. The ambience is great- so this allows them to have crappy service and still make money. Not any more of our money.