3rd Down
4839 Central Avenue
Berwyn, IL 60402
Cook County
Phone: (708) 458-0804
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Ro S. on
I was at this bar for a friend's birthday, and had a great time, in spite of the things I didn't like about the venue. I arrived past 12, so the bar wasn't too crowded. This place was full of the B&T crowd, and a lot of out-of-towners.  That's not really my scene. That said, I had a great time. There are several rooms in the venue, which helps you to vary your experience.  My favorite was an outdoor seating area with christmas lights in the trees, and lots of tables.  We had several drinks just sitting there chatting. Inside the bar feels elitist, with bouncerettes keeping people from moving freely between spaces.  That and its hard to elbow your way up to the bar to order a drink.  The outdoor bar is smaller and much less crowded, which is why we settled there. Basically, this was a fun night, but not really because of the place I was at.  The Park isn't terrible, but it isn't particularly fabulous either.  Just your run of the mill dance/bar spot, but with pricer beverages. If you have a guest from out of town who wants a "NYC" experience with lots of other out of towners, this might be your destination.  If you're looking for a unique venue that will impress your friends from the city, this is probably not the place for you.
by Jeanne J. on
Typical Korean bar.. Anjoos plus drink. Too expensive.  The atmosphere is what-ever.
by Jennell Wenderoth on
Beautiful interior, hot attendees... this is definitely the place to sit back and watch hollywood network ;)   I just have an issue with a club that does not serve have tap water, and will only sell you $6 bottled water. Not only that but the bartender was a total bitch about it when we said we didn't want it after hearing the price. Said we HAD to get it cause she already pulled it out of the cooler. WTF???!!!
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