5 TS Restaurant & Lounge
859 Valley Mall Parkway
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
Douglas County
Phone: (509) 884-8475
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Nofar G. on
Listen, there are not a lot of places that are under 21, so if you don't have a fake ID then just go to to this place, there are creeps there but there are also normal people the music is pretty good and the place is decent usually until 2am (after 2-3am it is usually all creepy guys) I wouldn't go there every week but it is fun every once  in a while to go there and dance, going Saturday nights is cool too because it is circus night so they have a cool show and a bunch of Lady Gaga looking people on stilts walking around
by Sam W. on
3.5 stars. Came here for a private party about two months ago. They gave us a private room where we could mingle. Their finger-foods were awesome, and their drinks were good as well. This place is huge. It's a restaurant, bar, + an area for pool tables. You can just sit at the bar, drink beer, eat finger-foods, and watch their GIANT screen of sports.
by Leandra Millot on
I saw Royksopp here awhile back with some friends.  My old roomie and I got there early and we were able to get a great table on the side.   Love that 30's vibe the place has.
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