by Emily M. on ****This is more of a 3.5**** I've been here twice and have had VERY different experiences. The first time I came here was on "College Night." This was really fun because basically all of my hometown friends invaded this place during break, and we ran this place like Rihanna. We literally took up like half the bar with just people we knew. Crowd was pretty young, and music was bumping! Good mix of EDM/Hip-hop. Drinks were not too pricey, and they were STRONG. On Thursdays however, the dance floor is not open for bizness so you do all your dancing around the sides of the bar, making it very crampped. So, we return to Busby's on Christmas Night since we showed up too late to another club. Bad decision. There were like 10 people inside. They looked like sad wanderers with no where to go. Obviously it's Christmas and they are at a bar so it's not the best bunch of people. We scanned the scene for like 5 minutes and peaced out. On this night the music was weird, and Busby's looked like a dingy bar you see in movies. It was not crackin, haha. Come here with a big group of friends, otherwise it is whatevers. And don't come on random nights. Best bets are Thurs, Fri, Sat.
by David C. on I'll be perfectly honest with you. I'm not a fan of clubs so this review will be of the biased kind. I've actually been inside the club only once and that was for a SFIAAFF party so it wasn't of the normal weekend affair and that party was manageable. The second time I tried coming here was with my ex-gf for her friend's birthday party and the line was blocks long and people said they had been waiting for over an hour. Really? I don't know if I blame the club for making these people wait or if I blame the people for actually sitting there waiting to get into this place. Needless to say we did not attend the birthday party and went about our business. I don't know waiting hours in a long ass line and paying $20 to get into a soulless club is worth it. Sort of not a big fan of using Buddha and Buddhism as a gimmick for a club. But I hate to be a stickler about these things. Sorry Temple.
by Wallace Euber on I went here when it first opened and was blown to bits. I thought it was such a novel idea.... a rooftop terrace with heat lamps and a grrrrrrreat view of the city, not a downtown view like the Top of the Mark or anything, but a view full of character. Tonight I dined there for the first time - I gave it some growing room after a friend dined there after it first opened and said the service was horrible and the food was "getting there". It has NOT improved. Waitress - horrible. Food - Even worse! The olives ALL tasted like anise and when we politely told the waitress that we weren't going to eat them she dared to say the following: "Well it's Middle Eastern and it just has a different taste." Well you know what? Those earrings you have in your ears.... the bones I mean that are stretching out your earlobes to look like donuts?? That's African, and they do that for status and pride, NOT to look cool while your riding your fucking ten-speed down Market delivering TPS reports to Charles Schwab. (breathe, Kelly, breathe... Zen....) Don't effing tell me what Middle Eastern food should taste like! As an afterthought hoping for the best, we meandered upstairs to the rooftop terrace for a last glass of wine -- actually it ended up being a bottle cuz it turned out to be cheaper. Stepping out of that elevator just takes your breath away - it's really an amazing place to chill. EEeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Bartenders - unhappy. making. everyone. that. orders. a. drink. from. them. feel. like. they. want. to. jump. off. the. deck. screaming: MY CHILDHOOD SUCKED AND I'M GOING TO TAKE IT OUT ON ANYONE WHO LOOKS IN MY DIRECTION. GOD! And I never use the Lord's name in vain... but GOD! this place has the potential of LeBron James and the actual performance of a Junior High Little League coach with a Coors in his hand and a Lucky Stripe hanging out the side of his mouth with ash on his beer belly. HORRIBLE. It's sad really.