930 Blues Cafe
930 North Congress Street
Jackson, MS 39202
Hinds County
Phone: (601) 948-3344
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
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Hours: unknown
930 Blues Cafe - About Us
If the Blues is your style then you have to check out 930 Blues Café. We serve southern cookin’ in the restaurant and during the show. Our options include Ribs, Wings, Catfish and more. We also have a full bar and serve drinks during the show. So stop by and enjoy some southern style favorites with your blues.
Website Description and Information
You can visit the 930 Blues Café website to find more information on 930 history, blues folk (Photos and Links to 930 Performers), the 930 Blue Café entertainment line-up, specials, coupons, 930 shop, photos, yahoo map, news & press and our contact information. So stop by and enjoy some southern style favorites with your blues.
Staff and Visitor Photos
by shirley h. on
i really want to give this place 4-stars because its definitely one of the nicer clubs in LA and yes its awesome that you dont have to drive all the way out to hollywood...but having the whole asian party with visionshock/opium/whisper/friction etc... really kills it. would definitely recommend coming here if you like partying it up with a bunch of FOBs haha but thats not really my cup of tea.  ive been to plenty of visionshock events so i already knew this from the start, which is why i always kick myself in the butt when i come and im annoyed with all the damn fobs that surround me.  girls get in free before 10:30pm if your on the guestlist otherwise pay $15-$25 for cover for guys. the venue is really nice with a huge dancefloor and upstairs seating area....there are two bars, but i suggest you preparty it up because the drinks are not stiff at all, which i was disappointed by.  DJ was alrightttttttttt. got off to a good start but then he started playing your typical top 40 and then it just got boring and bland after that. i was pretty sober the whole night which is probably why i have so many gripes about my night out here, but at least i can say i remember everything that happened! haha.
by Joan Stimmel on
This place is a hidden gem in Queens - get in a cab and go over the 59th street bridge or #7 Train to try it out. Bill - Sunnyside / now Providence RI
by Cornell Karger on
Truth in rateclubsing - I like Amy's for all that they do for the Austn community. I like Amy's because I think the owners are super people ( alright I don't know them, but because of all the good things they do, They show up in the papers a lot) Amy and Scot embody all that corporate america should be. A profitable enterprise with a social consience. So why only three stars -- To me the ice cream is ice cream is ice cream, not something I would go out of my way for to satisfy an Amy's craving, ( thruth is, I've never had an Amy's ice cream craving). I do however on most trips to the Arboretum, stop in for a scoop or two, to support a business that supports good works in a good city. Service is perky and friendly, and they have some flavors that are standards and that are alway available, some that are seasonal and some new creations that pop up from time to time. Amy's Ice Cream - Thank You for being Amy's.
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