A Hole in the Wall Bar & Grill
503 Provost Road
Lafayette, LA 70501
Lafayette County
Phone: (337) 232-5068
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
A Hole in the Wall Bar & Grill - About Us
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by Kristina B. on
Cielo is the WonderBra bait-and-switch of dance clubs. We went here during a bachelorette outing and were told "Oh, we'll give you a discount on cover...first four girls free."  $10/girl for potential dancing sounded good...but when we went inside, there was: a) one man rocking out by himself under three spinning disco balls b) a couple at the bar c) several waitstaff After some time trying to rock out on the very empty dancefloor and watching the bride-to-be attempt to get a party of Spaniards to serenade her, we exited only to find a bachelor party waiting at the velvet rope.  The bouncer tried to coerce us into staying, but no dice. I hope he didn't try to convince the bachelor party that there were SO MANY GIRLS that entire bachelorette parties were leaving.  Beware bars into which you cannot see...
by Cleopatra Svedin on
The End Up is just about the only place I know of that's open Friday night until Sunday evening straight.  Just as long as you don't step out during the hours of 4 and 6 am you can chill there.  Recently went on Fag Friday, which was remarkably less gay than I imagined it would be.  As long as you're willing to share the dance floor with shirtless dudes and can discern between female and formerly male, you'll be fine as a straight guy there at any hour.
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