by Rahil S. on Even thought people talk about Rumor for Saturday night, my best night is FRIDAY. Music is Top40s and Dance, and a bit of Hip-Hop. Yes cover is $25 but if you go through a promoter its only $15 for guys and $10 for girls. I called Ricken 857.277.2561. He helped out group cut lines (we were 8 girls and 2 guys). Drinks are mad strong, music is great and crows is good. Overall a great place for friday night
by Tanayia W. on I know it's kinda lame that I wanted to go here cause I had just heard about Mary J Blige going here, but whatever. I figured anyone who could be in a relationship with KC in his hay day must know a thing or two about livin' it up. From the moment I walked in I was not disappointed. I think this is what mid-westerners think about when they imagine glamorous nights in the city. The music is bumpin' and the atmosphere makes you feel like you're in a whole other place that's inhabited by the beautiful people. The food was quality. I even felt adventurous trying the seaweed. I definitely recommend you go at least once. HUNGRY HIPPO PICK: coconut ice cream
by Mohammad Pali on I hate this club. Passionately. I see people complaining about the parking. Thats nothing compared with the sheer FILTHINESS of this venue! Occasionally I am tempted there...I can't say no to a night with the DJ Mark Farina no matter where the venue. How to dress? In your least favorite, least expensive clothes in your wardrobe, because your shoes and pants at least will become a disgusting mess. The bathroom - NAUSEATING. I have seen shit on the floor (as in feces, not random garbage)! So along with that is of course the expected pools of urine and the occasional puddle of vomit. In my opinion - which I think is pretty valid here as I've visited clubs of various sizes and repute around the world - the sound is pretty bad as well. Even with ear plugs in, I usually hear ringing in my ears for a good 24 hours after I've left. It is oh-so-hot inside. I would not be surprised if the building lacks any [working] ventilation. This venue has potential - its large, has tons of rooms, and can even accommodate a couple outdoor areas. But its really just a huge mess. The cess-pools they call hot tubs? They need to be gotten rid of. I stay away from here at all costs. Only a very few DJs can drag me here anymore, usually at an event thrown by the Local 13 crew. And I never leave happy. Guess I can't learn my lesson. Local 13 recently brought Paul Van Dyk to a venue in the Navy Yard called the Philadelphia Cruise Terminal. 3000 capacity, better sound, impressively clean (even in the bathrooms!!) -- despite the fact there were only 2 areas here, I know I would be ALOT happier if they started throwing their large annual events (Bang!, Whistle) there. I think many other party-goers will agree.