A wedding band - Score The Floor
3313 W Cherry Ln #142
Meridian, ID 83642
Ada County
Phone: (208) 440-4010
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
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live music Live Music Available
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Dancing Dance Floor Available
Hours: unknown
A wedding band - Score The Floor - About Us
A wedding band - Score The Floor is a band that performs for weddings, holiday mixers, receptions, night clubs and corporate events. We perform all through Idaho and the surrounding areas. We are experienced and have been performing for over 60 years. We are delighted to say that we will work closely with wedding planners, event coordinators, and you to ensure a smooth successful event.
Website Description and Information
If you are looking for the perfect band to perform at your function then log onto or website where you will find out information on Contact & Quotes, Video Demo, Benefits, Biography, Payments, Peace of mind, Playlist, Recommend Us, Testmonials,
Vendors, Web Links and why we would be the perfect band for your event. We pride ourselves on performing with the expression and excitement that makes the song right!
Staff and Visitor Photos


by Alex C. on
are you still really deciding whether to go or not? http://www.rateclubs.com/bi... pescado is the way to go. nick's style!
by Glen Jaubert on
I'm becoming a woman of few words. Mainly because my lips are sealed tight because I'm so utterly fed up with dirty bars, small dance floors, and the so so music. It's kind of the snore most nights while other places like R Bar is overflowing with a fun crowd. I've passed it many times over the past year because it really doesn't bring any kind of appeal to me. Maybe I came on a bad night but there was no crowd, music coming from a computer, 4 kids on the floor drunk dancing. I couldn't even get the bartenders attention when I first came in because they were busy on their phone at the other end texting away. I was wearing a bright yellow top and raising an arm by the tap so there's no excuse. I'll see you guys at R Bar.
by Sherwood Daughety on
OK.  This place may not be one of your pretentious, upscale joints haunted by yuppies (investment bankers and "investment bankers").  However, it's a great place for a night out in San Francisco.  The few times I've been there I've always had a great time.  Drinks (which I never had to wait too long for) are great and reasonably priced, and if you like hip-hop this place would be right down your alley. The dance floor can be a bit cramped, yet I like how they separate the dance floor (where the DJ booth is located) and the bar area.  That way you can just move to the bar area whenever your feet start to give way.
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