AA Entertainment
3610 US Highway 70 Sw # B
Hickory, NC 28602
Catawba County
Phone: (828) 328-4081
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by AeroEngineer A. on
FIRST AND FORE MOST, KNOW A PROMOTER OR BUY A BOTTLE I was in town for work and called a old friend who some say she is a quality "LA 9".  We thought  we would check out Supper Club and see what the hype was about.  Were not going to spring for a bottle nor did we know any of the promoters that night.  Pretty much if you don't know a promoter or wanna drop 500 on a bottle its hard to get in. So we got in the "promoter" line after waiting in the normal line. In the normal line these scummy bearded homeless guys run the door and act like they cool on there BB.  We asked a few people what promoter to name drop and got right in in the promoter line. I music sucked that night and was some "africka" guy and some annoying guy on the mic.  The only reason the place gets 2 stars was that there is attractive bottle rats everywhere looking to drink free from suckers spending 500 a bottle.  Drinks are normal price  but if you can get in...its a decent spot.  I recommend seeing if anyone is DJ-ing that you actually know.
by Marco G. on
Small place but nice, they even have an outside smoking area. Some night a piano player is there but it's really not worth going if you want to see good talent. the people who play are good once a few drinks have gone down. The bar keep kept feeding us shots to tip better. I don't need that, just give me my order and do it with a smile. good enough. good place to unwind and have a drink.
by Grzegorz M. on
Great venue, killer event superb sounds system. I had actually had a problem a while back; e-mailed the owners and they were quick to respond and offer to make it up. Locations is good too as parking is usually available.
by Tanger T. on
Yeah...I should've known better. Sports bar/restaurant/night club...no one place can be successful in all areas.  Jillian's tries to do the upscale dining experience with a pricey menu but there's not a whole lot (actually none at all) of substance to back it up.  It's my fault for thinking that a sports bar could have a decent day boat scallop risotto.  It was sandy, chewy and bland.  They're obviously targeting tourists that don't know what REAL SF cuisine is capable of.  Nice atmosphere for a beer though.
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