Abalonetti Seafood Trattoria
57 Fishermans Wharf
Monterey, CA 93940
Monterey County
Phone: (831) 373-1851
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by apple t. on
I've always liked the space they're in, great vibe and everything, but Vegan Village, what happened to your food?  I remember having delicious meals here of huge proportions like two years ago, and now it's so skimpy and under flavored. Maybe I went on an off day, but it made me feel reluctant to return. Service is still excellent, but it's the food that I came here for and was sadly disappointed by.  :(
by Justin Salierno on
The Starlight Room ironically gets just one star... The staff here is a total pain in the ass, I don't know how many times we were asked to clear a "major walkway" ... Even when we were nearly pressed up against the windows in one oddball corner of the place, I think the penguin in the corner asked us to squeeze over even more to make some space for the imaginary people who were walking through. The drinks are hella expensive, but that seems to be a SF trend lately.  Think like $10 mixed drinks -- roll in here with a couple ladies and you're dropping $100 in a couple hours.  Also, it's crowded at times, the view isn't that great, and on hip-hop night, the music was kinda sketch.
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