by maria d. on Last night, fellow movement addicts Laura B, Megan W, and another clandestine rateclubser met up at Mighty to shake our collective groove things, which is totally necessary after consuming 5,000 calories worth of Pakistani food and then a gigantic serving of vegan ice cream. While attempting to suppress my insane desire to vomit in Mighty's lovely ladies' room, I spotted a dashing gentleman near the front of the dance floor, wearing pants and a shirt about 1,000 sizes too big and a black bandanna, moving his hands and jumping up and down the way white boys do to show that they are "feeling it". The following then transpired: MARIA D: (stage whispers to Laura B) Look, there goes my new husband!!!!! LAURA B: (turns around to witness said new husband and then stage whispers to Maria D) Girl, watch out, he may be married to the MUSIC! I love Mighty. And I love my girls. The end.
by Kenia Psomiades on I find it plain even though it has strange/interesting acts and you can expect to see something crazy. I've had plenty of fun times here but it was more the beer and the people i came with. In general too smokey, noisy, busy, and everything else soso. Some people love it though, so try it out.