Ace Bar
531 East 5th Street Frnt
New York, NY 10009
New York County
Phone: (212) 979-8476
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Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
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Hours: Ace is open seven days a week, 365 days a year
Ace Bar - About Us
Ace Bar is your typical old school watering hole. We have happy hour, beers on tap and a bar full of wide-ranging wines and liquors for all the drinkers, music for all you energetic people, games like pool, darts, skeeball and pin ball machines for all the gamers out there. The East Village Nightlife was invented at ACE bar. Come on over and have a little drink with us and check out our large collection of lunchboxes and jukeboxes.
Website Description and Information
Ace Bar has been awarded a Rolling Stone Magazine award for Best Jukebox and a New York Press award for best Jukebox. Want to know more about Ace Bar visit our website where we provide our clients update information on events, about us, rent space, staff, message board, directions and links. ACE offers you beer come drink it.
Staff and Visitor Photos


by Laura F. on
This place is so lame! I've been twice. The first was the night it opened, where two of my friends and I were on the "guest list." Being on The List put us in a separate but still slow-moving line. The ladies were dressed skanky and boys were in uniform white/black/striped button downs. The slide was out of service. We thought this was pretty funny vs annoying. Our second trip a couple months later had the slide in use. And guess what? We slid. One star for great decor. Shitty music, lame Ruby Sky crowd, pricey drinks. BOTH nights someone in my crew was cut by broken glass. Tip: bandaids are at coatcheck.
by Sue Voytek on
I was here this Thursday because someone invited me to see some new art her friends had on display. I walked into a large open space which is great to see after moving from New York where this is somewhat common. Unfortunately, the place was packed and was difficult to get around. I understand there was new art being displayed and people were out to see it but being in a packed place just isn't my thing these days unless I've got a few hot girls with me and we're dancing our asses off and I'm getting sandwiched by them! The crowd here, for the most part, was pretty cool. A good mix of REALLY young and some people into their late 30's or so but I think that's great. The bartenders were "okay" but nothing special and not overly-friendly but this is forgivable when you consider how many people were at the bar for drinks. The music, on the other hand, was WWAAAAAYYYY too loud for a venue this size. I hear that the Wednesday night "QOOL" events are good so I think I'll just come back and give this place another try then. I'll be back to update this venue soon...3 stars until they blow me away on a Weds night.
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Ace Bar offers drinks from Drafts as well as cocktails; however we do not provide a full drink menu on our website.


Ace Bar lets your choose fromover over a hundred menus, featuring only the finest East Village eats; however we do not provide a food menu on our web site.
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