Across the Street Pub - Food Orders
1238 Western Avenue
Albany, NY 12203
Albany County
Phone: (518) 438-1718
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Jamel O. on
This place is a decent restaurant.  If you are looking for dominican food, you will find it... If you are looking for dominican eye candy, you must go at night.  The place is really really unique looking and looks like a hut straight out of the Dominican Republic.  It gets pretty crazy and sometimes there are so many cars lined up that you can't drive past.  People go and the women are often pretty dressed up.  If you are a woman and looking to go, take that extra minute or two to ensure you look good...
by Marshall Suryan on
This is my favorite Russian restaurant ever, and for those of you that are unaware what that really means, you have no idea what it means to have a favorite Russian restaurant and should probably stop reading now. I've had many a Happy Berz-day sung to me here, and eaten way more than someone my size should be able to consume, but that's a good thing. Ryan summed up the high (low?) points pretty well. It's really an experience...find yourself some Russian friends who are celebrating something and you will eventually end up here, or somewhere alarmingly similar, and then it will all make sense. Also, caviar, best on blini with a little sour cream. But that's just my personal preference :)
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