by Mish L. on One for the money, two for the show, stiff martinis... give me more! 3 martinis for $20!? Come again? Ridiculously awesome. Unpretentious, unassuming and perfect for post dinner drinks. A friendly gentleman in bow tie walks around taking your drink orders. The darkness envelopes you but the candlelight keeps you from fading into the shadows. If you love a good martini-- come here. My dirty martini with Ketel One vodka was stiff and perfectly dirty. I'm not one for sweet drinks but the watermelon martini is definitely one to try. Came with a huge side garnish of watermelon and tasted like a jolly rancher in liquid form! Sizzle! :-) Piano lounge in the back with a tranny-licious sweetie sitting at the entrance to the back area. We chose to sit in the front lounge and chat, but definitely would come back sometime for the entertainment. Met some new folks, had some great convo over drinks and definitely will stop by again soon!
by Rachele Haydu on Bait and switch. These guys sent me a promotion in the mail -- free entry for me and four friends all night on one specific night. I went there with my roommate and a friend of his, and we managed to park free on the street not too far away. We got to the entrance and there was no line (we arrived around 1:30 or 1:45 AM) and showed the guy our IDs and then gave him the card with the promotion on it. He tried to tell us some crap about how there was a misprint on the card and that it was actually supposed to say that we had to sign up for the guest list and arrive before 11:30 to get in free, and that we would have to pay the cover. I told him that it said very clearly "free entry all night", and he tried to convince me that the text directly under that said that we had to do the guest list. That would have been almost plausible except for the fact that the text he was pointing to said to visit the club's site and use the promotion code OPERA for discounted tickets. I told him that we weren't going to be paying any cover and it was either we go in for free or we leave. He wouldn't budge and said that we had to pay the cover, and we turned around and left. Then we walked over to some other place that didn't have an ass for a bouncer and we convinced them to waive the $10 cover for us since it was already 2 AM...
by Zofia Borras on I was actually quite impressed with this one. I've been to all the H2S restaurants and like most okay, but i thought the food was pretty good at Aja. Went with a group of four girls and we were all happy with our food/drinks. I ordered a tofu dish which had good flavor and lots of sauce! We all split the kahlua espresso dessert and i secretly wished i could eat it all by myself. Prices were moderately high, but I expected it, so I wasn't as disturbed as some people seem to be. Also, our service was great, attentive server who offered good suggestions. We even got there early to have drinks at the bar and because it was still early and rather slow, the bartender (another female) gave us a round of mixed drinks for free! Can't complain about that!