Adam's Apple
411 North 22nd Street
Decatur, IL 62521
Macon County
Phone: (217) 429-2112
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Dennison M. on
XIV: the number of times it seemed we had to go up to  the hostess and manager to ask if they would honor our reservation; they didn't. Beautiful restaurant, good food but horrible, horrible service.  The covered patio in the back overlooking Sunset Boulevard had a DJ and louder, younger, funner vibe than the main room (there's the "useful" for you -_-). We got there 5 minutes early for our 9:30 reservation and were seated around 10:30 this past Saturday.  We waited by the bar and got some good drinks, everyone at the bar around us were complaining about their wait as well.  The cool thing is we made friends with other angry, but amiably chatty guests.  I overheard many excuses (people stuck in traffic...etc.)  Well if they're stuck in traffic, cancel their reservation after 15 minutes so people like us who come early eat on time. Although your food was  a good taste in my mouth, your service left an even worse taste.
by Guy Tuggerson on
No mystery here, kids...poor configuration of space resulting in little to no intimacy for a 'live music setting', overpriced drinks ($8 for a decent drink or $7 for a bland selection bottled beer only) and terrible, terrible sound. Ouch. This place gives me bad memories of some clubs I went to when I lived in New York and blew close to $50 away in a few hours on pure mediocrity. Concession: the booking is ambitious and eclectic, as few clubs stake out their niche so quickly in this town; however, give the bands and their fans some love and at least straigthen out the consistently disappointing sound, which may make a $6 budweiser a slighty more palatable.
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