Adult Cabaret-Wild Orchid
515 South Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89501
Washoe County
Phone: (775) 324-1010
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Nicole N. on
I came here with a couple of girls. I got a hookup from this really nice promoter who got us upstairs too. But as I was looking at the line typical hollywood long lines outside empty inside.. If I was in the mood for a nice relaxed atmosphere then I would have enjoyed it up there. But when I go to a club I want to dance so not a f an. We went down stairs it was much better and the dj played some good tunes buut crowded!!! Overall I don't think I would go back unless I was forced to
by Bob on
High cover charge, High Priced Drinks, Beautiful and Sexy Women.
by Willie Falvo on
Every weekend by 10:30 the line at Middlesex extends to the Miracle of Science's front door. And every weekend my friends and I wonder: Why? What transpires behind those wonderful walls that we have yet to be privy to see? Fame? Fortune? Free alcohol? WHAT IS IT!? Well, I'll tell you friends, it's a big fat load of nothing. Sure the inside is decorated in minimalist meets cubism chic and the seating is on wheels allowing you to create your own space. And fine, the music was pretty kick ass once it got going (SWV made an appearance - middle school dance anyone?)... but that's only two star-worthy. Demerit: The crowd was full of faux and euro hipsters. If you want to be a hipster, pony up and be one. Demerit: Bathroom lines that extend to the entrance of the bar. Helpful hint, Middlesex - get another bathroom. Demerit: Pretentious taps at the bar. This is probably the smallest detail that drove me absolutely up a freakin' wall. Why? Why do the taps need to be adorable silver handles that are mounted on the wall? Demerit: Nothing has a curve in this place - everything is a box. THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX, MIDDLESEX! I'll see all you see-and-be-seen folks next weekend on line at Middlesex... only this time I'll be watching from inside Miracle of Science.
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