by Talia S. on Well, I feel like I should preface this review by saying that I've never been the type to hang out in really really cool nightclubs. or really uncool nightclubs, or nightclubs in general. But, a friend of mine had been working with a guy who wanted to show us a good time out of gratitude, and got us some 'great seats at the box' I'd read about 'The Box' on Gawker and had surmised that I was in for a night of great debauchery the likes of which would be legendary and I would forever be a changed, more debauched and worldly Talia. Well, I don't know about all that. But I do vividly remember one of the stage performers laying an egg on the stage, using her um, you know. Her box.
by Keenan Roxburgh on I have one word to describe these guys - INCREDIBLE! They accommodated me last minute, gave me a deal that was IMPOSSIBLE to beat, treated me like a QUEEN, and took a party for 100+ people with less than 5 days left for my 30th... Who does that genuinely in a moment's notice and with the enthusiasm of someone who has been friends with you for well over ten years?! I wonder what they would have done if they knew I was a ratecluber - Ha! Not only did I run into at least 6 or 7 people who I have met in the city time and time again who weren't part of our group - the same thing kept happening to many of my guests. Yeah - do the math and it was a very cohesive clan by the end of the night! All of which ended up funner than all hell, sexy, crazy, classy, and fun fun fun! The best part of the night is when they let me make a speech (which I STILL can't quite recall) and Ben (one of the owners) came over to my after party to help me serve drinks AND clean up until the wee hours in the morning! And he even entertained my little brother! Showed him the 'ropes.' INCREDIBLE!!