by Fanny Troester on You put up with my obscene drunkeness so that is why you get 3 stars. Also, a cute bartender who somehow understood my slurred drink orders. Otherwise you would have got 1 for having a one person women's bathroom on the first floor.
by Kathryn Ackies on this place is just an unsafe and scary place to party. the smoking room is so tiny with horrible ventilation system that you will feel like you are suffocating in there. trying to get to the smoking room is like an obstacle course, there's a little step that you have to get down and up. i tripped over that little step a couple of times and i wasn't even drunk!
by Tammy B. on Cheap drinks, great decor, classy crowd, what more could you ask for?? If you're looking to find 'bigger' drunk girls falling on their faces while they're smoking a cigarette, you'll find that here too! Thanks to the overpacked club next door!!