After Shock S B
922 South Center Road
Flint, MI 48503
Genesee County
Phone: (810) 744-1017
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Hours: unknown
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by Sophia Hantz on
I came here twice without noticing I've been here already. Such a waste of time and money.... This place is overpriced, over hyped, and flat out terrible. The cool part about both nights were the bouncers. They didn't give us a hard time because we knew them. Other than that both nights was a complete disaster. We had our own table and all but the experience there still sucked. The dance floor was mostly asian dudes dancin with each other and some chicks that stood around like deadbeat zombies. My highlights of the night - Funky white boy next to my booth was making out and was all over some asian girl all night long even when guys at the club including myself were throwing ice at them to take that shit elsewhere. - Some super slutty looking chick in a bikini was giving guys lap dances and tube shots for a ridiculous price while being photographed as if she was some porn star. - Some jerk took my Belvedere bottle and smashed it on my table because he was pissed off about something. - The jerk caught a mean beating. - Nicest person in the club all night was the freakin guy who works in the restroom squeezing soap on peoples hands and giving them paper towels.
by Migdalia Dehnert on
Pretty good bar, bartenders here are cool.
by nancy f. on
The family & I went out on Saturday night (09/13/08) and ended up at Roe...  Thank god we had someone on our party bus who knew the owner/mngr/whatever, because the line outside was ridiculously long...  We pulled up right in front & were escorted to the front of the line, no cover. (freakin awesome.) THE GOOD: I liked the fact that there were 3 different levels and it was a whole lot easier to grab a drink in the basement...  The little lounge type area in the basement was a nice little getaway from the crowds and gave you a little time to re-coup/re-fuel before gettin back in the groove.  However, I'm not a house/techno fan, so that was a little booty.  I would say that the best music was on the 2nd floor (not street level), but it was sooo damn hot in there. THE BAD: Bodies everywhere, took 10 minutes to walk across the dance floor...  And you started sweating as soon as you walked over the threshold...ick.  Besides it feeling like New Delhi in the summer time, we did have a lot of fun...  Nice decor, decent layout, the staff was pretty cool... But if we'd had to pay to get in....?  I dunno if it would've been worth the $20.  But I'm a cheap-ass, so go figure.  All in all, I had fun & would go back if I was on the guest list & it wasn't a Saturday night...
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