Aim Images Fund Raising Designs
1340 Lake Gerald Circle
Delta, AL 36258
Clay County
Phone: (256) 488-5508
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by Millard Clugston on
The crowd here is just plain nasty! expensive drinks bad music bad dancers. Bad Bad Bad! There is a smell that is like mold or vomit.
by Drew Gaertner on
This is a place where a lot of things are going on whether you know or not. The first time I have been here was several years ago to a silent art charity auction which was private invitations only. A friend of friend had a beautiful and sad at the same time photograph from the hurricane Katrina disaster ( Photographer Aric Mayer http://www.aricmayerst...- love his photographs), auctioned in the event and sold. This elegant event was hosted for people with $$$. I saw Steve Martin and he was very interested in an art piece of vintage ad. Not sure he got it though. By the way, the food was nothing special. Back in this year, my friend kept mentioning about this place. Without realizing it is the same place, I was surprised to find out this is a bar/club or even had upstairs! The Park is huge.. this is where you can picnic on your heels and in suits holding some wine and spirits w/o much fuss. The downstairs are gigantic and feels like you are in a park indeed. The bar area is attractive and the fire places add unique ambience.. just remember not to fall asleep being too cozy. One of bookshelves packed with entire(?) collection of National Geography magazines but not that you can read in the dark. The upstairs is where you can dance also again in the much darkness. I found this place nothing wrong perfect in a sense that maybe too much to offer but it is a perfect back-up for any nights that you feel like something went wrong so you need to feel better. The below is why. 1. You get in no prob. Just don't get confused to stay in line for 1Oak around the corner, then you will never get in. 2. The main area with Xmas trees and glass ceiling or any bar area downstairs feel like outside/ski resort not being cold/hot and give you some breather from your elbow tackling NYC bar scene. then, If you want that back, go upstairs to the dance floor. 3. You don't need to leave the place if you spot someone you don't like there. You have a plenty of space to run and hide. 4. No one asks you for table charge and no drink minimums with better than average drinks. P.S. No picnic basket and blanket required to get in. Nor need to cover your drinks in brown bags.
by Arestia R. on
FRUIT FLY REVIEW: So now I know where all the hot guys are in Boston. At Showtune Tuesday at dbar. The catch? Yeah, none of them were looking at me because they're aaaaaall gay as the day. Life is so not fair. Still this bar made up for my sulkiness and perked me up with some showtunes! I loved singing "Time of my Life," a little Whitney and a whole lot of Broadway with my gays as we enjoyed great drinks. The place was packed and totally cool with its dim lighting, dark leather booths, wooden walls and golden light fixtures. Staff was super helpful and the DJ was hilarious. It started to get frisky around midnight - I can't imagine why... A gay old time indeed!
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