AL & Gerry's Tap
204 North 2nd Street
Eldridge, IA 52748
Scott County
Phone: (563) 285-4425
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by Geese H. on
The Sister of Ann Arbor's Vinology. I love this place for wine. It's a cool atmosphere and the wine selection is fantastic and the staff is usually very cool. I went here yesterday because I was wine-buzzed from a wine tasting I was at. I figured I may as well continue where I left off and get a couple of glasses. I did. The good part about it is it was happy hour so All glasses of wine And Appatizers were half off - YAY!! I had the Mussles and Fritzes - they were really delicious and strangely they did go together. Im a red-wine guy when I drink and I have always had good recommendations when I have been here. There is one BAD I must give it, though they countered it with a Good. There is a no-try policy. I mean, there are so may wines in here it is hard to say what I will like or not. Yes, I could come to a wine tasting here and get a smidgen of knowledge, but If I want to try something new on the fly it makes it REALLY Difficult if I can't try a couple of sips before I say, "Filler up!" I had a friendly chat with the manager about this - not to be like the complainy guy but just to find out what they were thinking. I mean, working at places with a variety of wine in the past, I would usually make educated guesses BUT then I would still give a little sip before pouring because of one All Important LAW - I can know Everything there is to know about wine - I can know what every wine behind my bar is like BUT I do NOT have the nose and I do not have the Palate of the person I am serving the wine to. It is impossible for me to really know what someone else will like - I can only know what I like. That's why we as bartenders offer sips. This is what I explained to the manager when she suggested that they would like to think their Bartenders and Servers had enough wine knowledge where giving sips isn't necessary. Well - agree to disagree but to their credit, though I'm not sure it made much sense they were willing to, if I did not like the wine I was given, exchange it for something completely different. I had to do this twice. I described what I was looking for and thought it could be summed up pretty closely in a Merlot. They had 1 Merlot in house! Come On People! It was a stupid Movie and Not even a Good Stupid Movie! Let's all be good little Automotrons and assume that because it's in a movie it must be true. Meanwhile The first glass I picked after himming and hawing about the No-Try policy. Yuck - not my gig. Then the second after much description I let the bartender pick; even worse!! The third - I put on my Jedi Blinders and Vibed like I do at the Wine Store - If I like the label I'll like the wine: 99% accurate. Done deal. The third glass was Yummy. Good thing too, because I literally said I was starting to feel bad sending glasses back and that if the third one was no good I was done trying. Anyway, it was still an overall pleasant experience. I like the atmosphere and the vibe. I like the people that come here. I like the staff and I always End Up liking the wine. After all is said and done I do recommend this place to the wine enthusiast. P.S. I am NOT a wine snob.
by Gerard Hersch on
love this place. Great location, plenty of places to eat nearby. Steeped in history, Bimbo's has a warm and welcoming atmosphere. I disagree with the folks complaining about the sound. I've seen some seriously rocking shows here. Ocean Colour Scene for one was outstanding. Top notch.
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