Alibi's Grill
7983 South Broadway
Littleton, CO 80122
Arapahoe County
Phone: (303) 730-0123
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Hours: unknown
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by Dave H on
This place is pretty sucky. First, the food is 2nd rate. I had a BLT that just looked like they did a Bacon Cheeseburger and removed the burger. How lame. Second, I think the boyfriend of one of the bartender's was given free unlimited usage of the jukebox and so it just played his shitty Eagles' songs the whole. Third, the bartenders have an attitude where they are nowhere good looking enough to act like that! No manners whatsoever and just stupid. Avoid if you can. Much better places out there.
by John B. on
This place was just okay. Nothing to really rave about. When my wife and I came here, we were looking forward to some good breakfast sausage links. What we got were links that looked like something that came out of a ready-made frozen kind (or at least they seemed to be). My wife had Huevos rancheros that supposed to have some chorizo in it. They were so finely chopped so integrated, you couldn't really see it in the dish. I had the crepes with nutella and banana. The dish was good. The crepes had good texture. Plus how can you go wrong with nutella and banana combo?
by Paulene Sweeting on
I am going half's on this because I had a good time that night. I was with people who are awesome and had a good drink in my hand. Honestly I went on 7/27 to see Jeno and no one else. The DnB was awesome and then I was tired and went home. Only to stay up until 7 a.m. whatever. Will I be back maybe so if it's worth my efforts. The space has a lot of potential honestly so I want to see how it develops. *****uPDATE** As of 9/26/2007 oKAY, went here around midnight to see Dieselboy and Photek last week. So when I enter the club from Howard it's completely like the Supperclub but with a lot more heel ho's dancing to generic house. Um, wTF. I like the side door entering from the alley that's the real deal. What's up with this now? I still like the basement actually it's pretty nice. Try to get on their mailing list though to get free RSVP emails which can be good.  You were awesome Cheri!
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