by Dexter Lohrmann on decent music tonight- $15 cover $10 for redbull +vodka- no dress code- a lot of old people- Went with a group of friends who were not into house (even though I asked like 3 times prior to taking a cab there to make sure they are okay with that-), and was forced to leave prematurely -_- The crowd was a little.. Off.. I saw a lot of really old people dancing funny (or should I call it compulsive movements, rather), nothing against older people as I am not so young myself but seeing people my parents' age is not what I expected. I guess I just picked the wrong place for the kind of fun my group wanted - Since I don't know the scene so much, I don't know if it wasn't very impressive just because it's something I am sorta new to, but we give reviews on our personal experiences right?
by Ann F. on ok so can i just say this is best concert venue ever? i feel like i've been transported in some ancient land..let's call it the 1930's. the ambiance is cool. i definitely want to come back for the live mermaids. we went there tonight for "tainted love". totally sweet! the bar service was excellent and the crowd was there for the band. not a place to go where you go to be seen, a place to appreciate the music. for that, i salute you. the venue was totally excellent. i love the chairs and tables and old school classic decor as well as the plethora of bars. thanks to chris and meghan for reminding us about the show and dragging us along. it was awesome.