Almasi Michael Tavern
78 Main Street
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
Middlesex County
Phone: (732) 634-9698
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Andrew H. on
By far my favorite night spot in Atlanta. I'm very impressed by the DJ's there they don't over play the top fourty 5 times a night but all are very original and talented. Staff and bartenders are very friendly not to mention HOT!! There are 5 full bars including an upstairs and a whole separate dance room. Drink accessibility is fast! Free valet parking every night is awsome. I highly recommend you check it out! :) Do it...
by Gisele Sweitzer on
I still have mixed feelings about this place, and for the longest time used to swear that I was done with it. On the good side, I've had my fair share of late nights here looooong time ago and have seen a couple good shows here in more recent times but other than that I am undecided if I should bother , mainly because of the crowd it draws now on house nights, B&T now for the most part. Remedy =  I wouldn't waist my Friday night here even if you paid my way in, or paid me anything under $10K and offered to buy my drinks! I was really excited this past weekend to hear that after 15 years, THE GATHERING, was back for a reunion, a truly divine underground SF original. But at DNA? What were they thinking?! Unfortunately after a night at DNA with my nostalgia on overdrive, this 30-something gal quickly learned that she can forget about believing that the 30s are the new 20s. Lies, I tell you... all lies! I wanted to cry! It just wasn't the same, nor the crowd entirely the same! Sure, there were a few old faces I remember from way back in that day (a few I said) and the DJs were off the hook, which is to say was the only saving grace of my evening. I think for now , this gal is probably better off hitting something more refreshing and new like Bohemian Carnival, or Pop Roxx. Either I won't remain so jaded about DNA or it's one of the last few good thing this place has going for itself.
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