Alpine Lounge Inc
5 Jefferson Avenue
Moundsville, WV 26041
Marshall County
Phone: (304) 845-3663
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Alexia B. on
I've been partying at Opera since it was 1150. I always used to just go on the big DJ nights, because I am still a candy kid at heart. :) However, one night a few years ago I decided to join my friends there on a normal night, and we had an absolute blast! I honestly have NEVER had a bad time at Opera, and I have been there a million times! Alright, that is probably an exaggeration, but it has been way more times than I could count. I don't understand why there are so many negative reviews on here... I guess no one is really inclined to write a review unless they are upset about something. I remember the first night Opera opened its doors to the public. Ferry Corsten was spinning, and I can't even begin to explain how impressed I was with the transformation. My favorite renovation was the stage... I always used to fall in that hole between the stage and the speaker! Ouch!! haha! The VIP Opera Booths are just beautiful, and the already perfect patio looks even better. Since I have been going to Opera for so long, I have had the opportunity to get to know some of the staff. They really are nice people! There are a few comments on here about them being rude, but I think they were probably just doing their job. I couldn't even imagine having to deal with drunk people every night. I guess that's why I have an office job! Hehe ;) Speaking of my office job, I guess it's time to stop day-dreaming about last night at Opera and get back to work (I just wish there was a cure for a hangover)! :p
by Cruz Chuong on
The Star Bar is straight up 5 star Atlanta rocknroll! This place is definately legendary. Check it out.
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