American Legion Placid Post 25 - Lounge
1490 US27 North
Lake Placid, FL 33852
Highlands County
Phone: (863) 465-7940
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by MiKA D. on
This place is either a hit or miss on some nights. Just be forewarned, it seems like a cool spot but it'll get pretty crowded and cramped when 11:30 pm hits. Drinks are mad pricey. Make sure you have a freakin' carbar around the corner. They do charge at the door. Early arrival is strongly suggested. Mad euro tourists who are effin' rude. Yeah man, all bad when some prick from Sweden spills his drink on me and didn't even apologize. Just kept on saying like a bad record spinning with a blunt needle and just about to trainwreck, "I'm Johan and I'm visiting from Sweden. Who is your friend?" Expect the predictable at Vessel: sausage fest and a sea of women linebackers. Watch out now. Jus' sayin. The music is alright, depends on who's rocking the decks. It's pretty lame when most of the seating is reserved for VIP guests and mad security are on your ass like flies on shit and tellin' you to leave b/c 'you ain't that important, honey.' HAH. oo   oo oo   oo oo   oo oo   oo oo   oo ooo vv      vv vv    vv vv   vv vvvv vv v eeeee eeeee ee eeeee ee eeeee eeeee rrrrrr rr    rr rr    rr rrrrr rrr  rr rrr   rr rrr   rr rrrrrr rr    rr rr    rr rrrrr rrr  rr rrr   rr rrr   rr aaaa aaaaa aa   aa aa    aa aa     aa aaaaaa aaa   aaa ttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttt ttt ttt ttt ttt ttt eeeee eeeee ee eeeee ee eeeee eeeee dddddd ddd   ddd ddd   ddd ddd   ddd ddd   ddd ddd   ddd dddddd
by Rosario Haleamau on
i went to the basement once and they had the most amazing reggae party here.  they have these little stall like rooms that are fun if you need privacy (needless to say, i definitely appreciated these). i will not pay cover upstairs and anywhere drexel indos are is not a place i would be.  (hence the 3 stars).
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