Amf Bowling Centers - Amf Arc Lanes
4901 Monroe Avenue
Evansville, IN 47715
Vanderburgh County
Phone: (812) 476-3003
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Amf Bowling Centers - Amf Arc Lanes - About Us
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by Ron Wasinger on
Mezzanine is a great place to see a show. it looks like a club inside,  and there are people there that look similar and dissimilar to you and me, but the sound is fantastic! and i went to the restroom 3 times (beer) the night i was there and not only was it clean, someone was CLEANING it. cleaning the bathroom. making sure all stalls had paper. what in the world? good sound + clean potty = good night out.
by Jay W. on
So I was heading to a fundraiser and was told that if I got there before the doors at the Red Devil opened, I could always kill some time at the Cinch, which was a nearby gay friendly bar. Gay-friendly? Ummm...yeah, sure, ok.  Just like Rosie O'Donnell and Tom Cruise are "gay friendly." The bartender called me sweetie, which was flattering. Reasonably priced drinks and a very strong pour, but I suspect the bartender  was trying to get me drunk since I came in all by my lonesome. Were I gay, I'd probably hang out here a bit since I do like a good dive.
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