Amf Bowling Centers - Amf Deltona Lanes
2716 Enterprise Road
Orange City, FL 32763
Volusia County
Phone: (386) 775-8123
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Hours: unknown
Amf Bowling Centers - Amf Deltona Lanes - About Us
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by John on
Service is okay, lanes are fun... I would return. Drinks are a bit expensive, but they have quite a bit of food. After 10 bowling is fun on weekends.
by Abendigo R. on
Five stars for... * the coconut liqueur stuff (an LB specialty, just ask for "the special coconut stuff"), damn, that knocked me out * the island music scene (sometimes) * the fact you can dance salsa to anything world music (wish I was a salsa dancer) * the rough-and-tumble floor * the $5 margaritas (yum) * the casual atmosphere, trust me, you can dress however you please This ain't LA, is it...thank god...:)
by Lyndon Tamburino on
Went here after eating a nice dinner Thursday night at Geisha house, and of course it is an asian fest.  Why do asians take over every club/lounge after they hype of it dies down?  I can't get in the brand new places cuz I am not willing to pay a G for table services and am not a movie star, and when the stars find a new club, then asian promo companies come and take over and makes me not want to go anymore.  Anyway.  The place itself is nice.  The drinks are a lil overprices for even hollywood standards, but are strong enuf to mess u up.  Smoking is indoor in the back lounge, which is really nice because there is a bar there as well and lots of couches.  The music was good, but the mixing sucked.  This place has more potential and is probably a good place to hit up on a friday or saturday.  I was drunk and enjoyed myself though.  Shoot, with enough drinks, anything can be fun.
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