Amf Bowling Centers - Amf Dewey Garden Lanes
4470 Dewey Avenue
Rochester, NY 14612
Monroe County
Phone: (585) 865-0470
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Hours: unknown
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by Jamal G. on
Kicking self... grrr... pulling curls out my head.. arrrggghh.. *shaking my head* Club Dub ABSOLUTELY the one place in the City I'm beating myself up over for not checking out before.  Maybe I got Ethiopia and Somalia mixed up?  The place is 2 blocks from my house, the closest spot with a full liquor license that's not a liquor store, and frrrieeendllly service from the lady behind the bar... you talk about a heavy hand.. if Luis M stayed for dinner, and a few Jack & Cokes, I'd have to put him up in my place for the night... She had me walking sideways! awww the finger food.. I love watching everyone eat off of the same dish.. no one trippin' off the other diggin' in even though some of us just met (yes we all washed our hands... I think ;).  I got to say I have a lot of respect for a lady who can get right up in there with the big boys.. none of this "ewww" or "where's my fork" nope... I think I might have heard a grunt  or two from one of the ladies tearin the shyte up!! I know where I'm taking ladies for the first date:  To eat with your fingers or not to eat with your fingers? That is test #1  ;0) Awww 2 blocks away... I think some of my favorite bars just lost some business.
by Dion Kersten on
Expensive, sucky drinks and besides the rooftop bartenders I thought the service really sucked. I've eaten here a few times (for business type things) and it's never my choice. I do like the rooftop bar but tonight when my girlfriend told me we were meeting friends there I was really bummed just going off of memories from a year or so ago. Now, I can say, this is one of my least favorite places in San Francisco. The food is okay, but I can get just as good at my neighborhood Ali Baba's Cave place for 1/3 the price. Oh, but no snotty wait staff, so, I guess that's the markup. This place seems to have inspired more hatred on rateclub then any other place I've ever read about. I hereby declare I will never say another word about it, but will never again give them my hard-earned bucks for their sucky (I never use that word so much, but it feels so right for Medjool) drinks or sucky food.
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