by Oscar A. on Let the good times roll! I don't really care for the drags but the atomsphere is good.... Sunday night is the best night to go! It's extra tight!!!
by Erinn Pela on Oh man. I'm giving Ruby Skye three stars...because of 300.00 Yes. 300 hundred unexpected dollars. From really drunk out of town patrons. First let me just say that anything that has a velvet rope in front of it with brothers carding makes my fake hair stand up on end. And it makes me puke in my mouth a little walking into the place and seeing women dressed like reject dancers from "In Living Color" And the moment I see an Oxygen Bar? I have reached my own 8th level of hell. The one (and only) time I have been in Ruby Skye was for this woman's birthday party. Dragged out of my apartment. I put on a dress, as they get all persnickety when you dress like a REGULAR San Franciscan. An eighties band was playing. Out of towners, and a comglomarate of mismatched types were all up in this place. Is it a rave club? Is this trying to be Studio 54? Is this this this a floor wax or a dessert topping club. No idea. I HAD to try the Oxegen bar. Maybe my nose is not the discerning one for "Flavored Air" as it all smelled like bleach. Rasberry = Bleach Rosy Lime = Bleach Scent of Sun Drop Morn = Fucking Bleach. At least the Oxy woman was nice enough to let me try the women I was with were buying drinks out of the realm of payment I was not expecting. The night disingrates into a drunken dance competition where I was yanked up on stage to compete. I actually had a following. I did not I guess the band was more inclined to give the "Burger King Hat" to the woman who was not dancing as much as she was a dog in heat freakin' the leg of the lead guitarist. Yeah. All that sweating and dry humping and all that chick got was a for a Burger King Hat, and life long ribbing being drunk. I'm sort of through with the noise and the shiny bullshit and people trying to pick each other up to take back to their perspective hotel rooms to say they got laid in San Francisco, tell my ride I'm about to split on foot but will go out for a cigarette first. I head out and the band is out there. Nice people. I actually knew the tech person who was there. So, we are out in front making fun of people (the best time I had).... ...and this fat drunk fellow comes rolling out. He starts talking to us and the poor females of the group sloppily hitting up on all of us. Then suddenly we see it. Like a big fat tree. His eyes roll to the back of his head...and he falls forward. We all actually catch this fat piece of crap and gingerly lay his fat ass on the ground. He pulls out an envelope. An envelope FULL OF HUNDREDS and starts PASSING OUT MONEY TO US. The tech woman I know? Tries to GIVE THEM MAN BACK HIS MONEY. This is where I instantly became a black actor. I yanked her hand away and said thank you to this drunk guy pulled her over and said "We both have been in theater for this long. How often do you get handed THIS MUCH MONEY for doing LITERALLY NOTHING. This my dear, is the Actor Gods shining upon us. Put that DAMN MONEY IN YOUR POCKET AND THANK HIM" I then ask drunky McDrunkerstein if he had a friend who could help him. And I go in to find him. I grab some water for the guy...and find his friend (equally as drunk) coming outside. Me: Sir, Your friend just sort of passed out in front of the place. We caught him...and I just got him some water. Him (Messed up) YOU ARE THE HOTTEST NICEST GIRL I HAVE EVER MET... He pulls out a similar envelope. And gives me TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. So three stars for Ruby Skye. The place that with no fault of its own supplies regular San Franciscans who accidentally stumble into that place the opportunity of making money from their over-hyped, under dressed...eighteen sheets to the wind.... Ravy/discotechin' clientle And Actors? Actor Gods hang around that joint. That is all I'm saying. Love Shaun "Three Hundred Dollars richer" Landry
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