4140 West Vine Street
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Osceola County
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by K P. on This place is huge & I really liked the space -- my friend said it was a converted parking garage. We really just drank -- ordered the calamari & a margharita pizza, both were standard, nothing to get excited about, bar food to munch on while drinking. I didn't bother going to the rooftop -- b/c it was cold & grey but overall in my opinion, it's a good place to go with a big group during the week. The inside bar was crowded with the standard suited guys & girls...you know the types.
by Meghann Carnathan on Doesn't Live up to the Hype.... That's basically it. Cocomo has somehow garnered the rep as the best Salsa club around here....but it's a pretty thin veil. Anyway, if YOU got top rating in USA TODAY...would YOU go around proudly advertising it ? Hmmm...suspicious, right there.... But seriously, it's not a BAD place. The pluses: ~ nice funky, electric-eclectic sorta environment w/ good drinks ~ nice idea on the indoor-outdoor sorta thang, nice loft from which to watch the dancers ~ good bands. ~ Group lessons....are...eh, decent. Not great, not horrible. Nice smooth moves are taught....they look good, are manageable...nothing which requires a contortionist diploma (unlike another SF nitespot...ahem....)...but see below, too.... ~ The security guard is a really cool guy.... On a lotta nights, the crowd is pretty cool. Also, you have 2 choices: Thursdays or Saturdays. Thursdays are well-attended, crowd leaning definitely towards intermediate/advanced to advanced dancers....but there's definitely more room to dance.... Saturdays are really crowded, much more a cross-section of salsa abilities... Minuses: ~ small dance floor, really TOO small for a salsa club of such, um...repute. It gets crowded and hard to dance, particularly on Saturdays...AND, unfortunately, many of the gents there are not quite as... gentlemanly ....as they should be, on a crowded floor. ~ hard to "park it"...they have a coat check, but there aren't enough tables or areas where one can leave their stuff , securely... ~ the aforementioned group lessons....I like how Jake dances, and he seems SEEMS like a nice, approachable guy...but he constantly re-uses old jokes/commentary...and he has that weird "public persona vs. real persona" thang goin' on...i.e., if you are slim with breasts, he'll be real nice to you and will probably be happy to converse/help you along ....but if you are not.... Also, why is it that in almost all of the group lessons taught by a dance couple in the Bay Area, the woman teacher is just like...eye candy ? These women NEVER get to say anything...the guys are running the show, and that's too bad. As has been mentioned in other reviews...this results in the lesson being too focused on the lead's role, and the teaching of the followers part gets significantly underrepresented.... ~ Crowd can be really exclusive on certain nights...folks are gonna turn down/get turned down a lot ...because others just want to dance with some specific other leads/followers. I will never understand this about the salsa scene... One of a plethora of examples: I was there recently, and I noticed a young latina woman sitting at a table, seemingly by herself. Nice dress, a bit overweight, definitely not one which would catch the eye of most guys, maybe.... she was sitting for way too long, while the pretty mamacitas and waifs all around her were gettin' gobbled up. I asked her to dance...and she was hands-down, one of the BEST followers I have ever danced with in my 3+ years of salsa...and fortunately, the song was nice and long. A great experience...This, after dancing with about 7 or 8 "hotties" who had been on the floor constantly all night.... while flamboyant and clearly lighting up the salsero's radar, these lasses couldn't hold a candle to this other woman..... I do hope she enjoyed the rest of her evening, because she deserved to.... So, guys....get off of the cruisin' now and again and just dance.... and people, just have fun and get over yourselves. .... Satudays tend to have a more diverse crowd as far as attitude as well as skill levels, but Saturdays are also more "cruisy-er"... ~ Oftentimes a really bad proportion of men to women (way more guys)....this happens both nights...often to the point of being ridiculous....more obvious than other local salsa clubs...hmmm......porque ? ~ $15 on a Saturday...too much, not worth it...should be no more than $12... All in all: Definitely worth checking out. You will not get a good read on it with only one visit...try going to both nights. In the end, this place is just plain inconsistent...sometimes it can be a blast, sometimes it's salvageable.... and many a time....for those of us who are respectable dancers BUT not god's gift to salsa... it can be a drag... Roll the dice...
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