Amf Bowling Centers
1840 Military Road
Buffalo, NY 14217
Erie County
Phone: (716) 873-3383
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
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by Lee S. on
le sigh.. I love it here. Went last night with a friend to avoid the Walnut Walk. It was the perfect spot, of course my friend thought it was odd I was bringing her down a sketchy alley for drinks.  Once we got inside she understood, its perfect. It has such a relaxing vibe, its dimly lit, comfortable bar stools, comfy leather booths, red and black zebra print carpet. David made our drinks; he was fantastic! I was in love with my tequila honeysuckle and when my friend went for the bartenders choice he knocked her socks off.  He also throughly impressed the gentleman next to us at the bar who couldn't stop raving about their drinks (bartender's choice) and what a fantastic spot they had found.  I strongly recommend it if you want to have a good drink and relax. They have limited seating at the bar and tables and don;t allow you to block the aisles or stand behind the bar. It's very crowd controlled which is perfect when you want to talk and enjoy a drink.
by Shayne Kerens on
This place is pretty sweet, in some ways - outdoor area for smoking and drinking - priceless.  Been there a few times. If you're looking to START salsa, this is a good place to learn a little from their lessons. VERY good for people just learning to dance - you can have a great time with people who are just beginning, and they stay after class - The instructors have never seemed That interested, but they do teach some interesting and useful patterns. (i.e. don't expect to have a Blast listening to them... just focus on getting the pattern down). The place isn't as glamorous as their website pics show, but it's still decent. Dance floor is nice, bar layout to dance floor is killer.  Other nights are fun and Saturdays get pretty crowded as the night goes on -
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