Amf Bowling Centers
22771 Centre Drive
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Orange County
Phone: (949) 770-0055
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
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by Manton R. on
There are only a few good solid hip hop clubs in San Francisco and Rouge is definitely in my Top 3.  The dilemma that I face is that the hip hop clubs have a ghetto clientele but I love me some hip hop.  The beauty of Rouge is that the crowd isn't THAT ghetto and the music is GREAT.  The DJs they hire always do a great job getting the crowd hyped and not killing the mood by screaming and yelling like they're an MC. I've been to Rouge a handful of times and I've had great experiences each time.  The bartenders are fast and customer oriented.  The bouncers are laid back and do not have the "I'm the gatekeeper" mindset.  The people are chill and out to have a good time.  If you're a female reading this, I must warn you that every time I've gone out, I've seen guys grab girls by the arm to get their attention.  I guess you can say the guys are a little bit more aggressive here. If you love hip hop, enjoy having a great DJ on the 1's and 2's, love receiving great service from bartenders that make stiff drinks and like being around a happy crowd, I highly recommend you check out Rouge.  If I ever have an itch for a hip hop club, I'll definitely make my way here.
by Elvin Kuczkowski on
Pool  5 $ a game plate of appetizers $9.50 Jack&Coke and a Gin&Tonic $ 15 Christopher S and Sally drunk at Harry Potter opening night .. priceless
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