by Erik R. on Amazing! Last night I went to the hallowed Bimbo's for the 1st time. It took me long enough after circling several artist in the paper that I've wanted to see performing there. Last night was more a shot in the dark. I was just trying to do something fun and enjoyable involving "feel good music". I was not disappointed with what I saw and who performed. Bimbo's is on the upper end of N.Beach. But, the club has a very old school cabaret feel to it. When you get inside to the main floor the seating is set off of the dancing and stage area. They serve food [no veggie options, although I didn't eat] and have table service. Reservations are on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Very nice mature patronage and customer service. Ashamed that this whole place is CASH ONLY... But that's what it is. Bring your dancing shoes, because the performances will force you to get up and dance! Last night was no exception! I saw as the opening act...Quinn Deveaux and the Blue Beat Review. Here is a new spin on the back in the day soul of an amazing artist in his own right. Quinn's band was a good'ol down south Memphis Rhythm and Blues group. They had that place jumping! It was a sight to see all the white folks getting down in their own "Juke Joint" way. It was such a great sound. Everybody was up dancing and jiving old school to the music. Quinn definitely pleased. Meklit Hadero the main performer is an artist I will definitely keep track of and follow. She's a local talent. Her voice is amazing and the blend of eclectic song of poetry and sensuality were amazing. She sang so powerfully, her stage presence and interaction with the crown was so familiar. She was a really nice warm person. Her music was the combination of her Ethiopian heritage with the influences of America's and the World's best songwriters. She has this combination of Nina Simone and Joni Mitchell where she has a sorceress like command of your being. She has this verbal soliloquy of lyrics that create these cinematic images in your head as they are sung. Just a really enrapturing voice and captivating performance.
by Amado Drinkard on 5 stars baby. Not just because this gay-fabulous piano bar has been turning out rousing showtunes and Sinatra classics weekend after weekend, or because the party never stops and everyone is checking everyone out (even if I'm the person everyone is least interested in when I'm there). Dammit, it's because this place has kick-ass, top-notch, affordable cocktails. And not the hipster-faux-tails like soju-drinks or something spiked with Red Bull. I'm talking sidecars and manhattans: Tall, sugar-rimmed, and strong. I can't actually tell you how much they cost because I have yet to pay for a drink there (yet another testament to how much love there is in that place), but I think it's around $8. And the party never ends.