Amf Bowling Centers
4990 Jimmy Carter Boulevard
Norcross, GA 30093
Gwinnett County
Phone: (770) 923-5080
Fax: (770) 931-7503
Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
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by Aileen A. on
Okay for $10 admission to get in here, be able to booze it up, AND no kids to block the views? WHY THE HECK NOT? I URGE you to get your tickets ahead of time by purchasing them online. The line gets long, and they sell out fast. Like Angelica M. says, 2 lines form: 1. to buy tickets 2. line to get in. If you can somehow leave work early in time to get free tickets to see the Planetarium before they run out, do so. Business casual, but if you're somewhat under dressed, it won't be an issue. Drinks are available (and kind of pricey and small) and can be found in various areas around the museum. There's a dance floor (I noticed that nobody was really dancing much at the night I went). It's really cool to see the museum during the night-it's darker, just adults, and walking through exhibits are a breeze! Even if you do not drink, it's something you should take advantage of. Parking is kind of touch, there's garage parking, and there's also park parking. If you are on a budget, you may have to park just a little bit farther, or be really lucky to find close parking.
by Maryrose Logue on
Revised.  at the new location.. I had to take away some stars.. previously there were 3. Wow.  I am still deaf from being here.. I sat on the patio (which was enclosed bc its still a little nippy out) but I was screaming at my date, which he still couldn't hear me so he had to move to my side of the table.. The waitress could barely even hear us to take our order. that's bad. The new building is huge. I liked the decorations of the old place much better.. The food I have never really been that impressed with.  I tried the fish and steak tacos last night, and they were really just nothing to write home about.. This seems to still be a pretty popular place for bachelorette parties and things, but I never really understood why..
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