Amf Bowling Centers
7709 Beulah Church Road
Louisville, KY 40228
Jefferson County
Phone: (502) 239-2388
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Merlin Sorbo on
I like this place. Again, I know someone, so I didn't have to wait in line or pay cover. It's BEAUTIFUL and their outdoor "patio" is enormous. It's not a patio though and you don't even notice that you are outdoors. They spared no expense designing this venue. Honestly, if my friends wanted to go out, I'd wait 10 minutes and pay cover. The bathrooms are great too. Clean.. not barf-ridden and clogged. Ever. The music is okay. Not fabulous, but not gross either. The crowd is pretty good. Not as pretentious as most Hollywood clubs. Most people are pretty cool. It's definitely worth checking out
by Sari G. on
What a wonderful saturday night I had here! The parking is easy, across the street was $8. The salsa dance lessons were great, split into beginner and intermediate circles. The music was top notch, there was a live band and when they took a break the music through the speakers sounded great, so it felt live. I came here to salsa - people were friendly. Drinks were not badly priced either. We even happened to go on the night of the International Salsa Finals - we sat on the top floor to get a great view of a very well put on event. It was exciting!
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