by Eric Covar on My husband and I were just in Philly visiting a dear friend who lives within spitting distance of Carman's. This place is the best! It looks like a greasy spoon (which would have its own appeal) from the outside, but Carman serves up appealing, innovative entrees with fresh and organic ingredients. The coffee is fresh and keeps on coming, the water is served in large Mason jars, and the servers are adorable. Carman is a gorgeous, amazing lady -- definitely some of the local color of this part of South Philly -- and take a look around the place at the phallic decor. Sure, the gorgeous pinup painting of Carman is something else, but the penis salt and pepper shakers over the breakfast counter are pretty impressive too. As are the pink teddy bear with the enormous penis and the boobie creamers. And, of course, the piece de resistance -- the penis shaped sausage shaped with my omelet. We'll be back next time I'm in town.
by Kim B. on What a fun experience. This place doesn't disappoint. Parking next door in the garage was easy to find, albeit a bit pricey in my opinion. That whole "no gum" rule was a bit weird to me. You can't even have gum in your purse? Wha? Huh? Cause a stick of gum in the purse of a 36 year old woman is dangerous how? Very weird. Also annoying that it's confiscated and never returned. Once inside, the exhibits are well organized, informative, and fun. It was great to have caretakers speaking at the popular exhibits and there were plenty of staff around that were willing to answer questions. It was just downright fun. The food court has lots of healthy and delicious options that aren't incredibly overpriced. Also, the gift shop has a great selection of souvenirs and such that aren't overpriced. All in all, a fun, fun time.