Amf River City Lanes
3117 Highway 31 South
Decatur, AL 35603
Morgan County
Phone: (256) 353-3162
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Amf River City Lanes - About Us
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by Jamie Mundschenk on
The Endup and I have the perfect relationship.  She lets me dance when I want to, drink as much as I want to, show up whenever I want to, and when I get tired she even lets me rest on her patio.  She also has awesome friends from all walks of life that she shares with me and we always have a good time together.  The only minor imperfection is her hygiene, but it comes with the territory from dating someone as close to perfection.  I've spend so many great nights and mornings with her and I feel guilty that I can't spend more time with her cause too much of a good thing is bad for you. God bless the End Up cause there is no one that can match her.
by Irene S. on
i like how this place has the real feeling of fancy about it, but no one gives a shit if you need to challenge someone to a noogie battle right out in the open. (P.S. I LOST BUT REVENGE WILL BE MINE, AND SWEET.)
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