Amf Strike N Spare Lanes
1777 Brewerton Road
Syracuse, NY 13211
Onondaga County
Phone: (315) 454-4428
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Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
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by Alyssa N. on
Went on a Saturday missed guest list and had to pay 10 big ones. One room has electronic/trance music and you have to go through that room that is very awkward, where there are some people dancing, some people sitting, and some people just standing there.  So when I first walked in I thought "mann, this better not be how the whole place is."  Got to the bar between the awkward room where you can hear the hip hop music from the larger room and the electronic/trance music from the other. Drinks are probably expensive, got some wasted fools to get me and my girls a round of drinks. Went to the trance room for one sec, turned around and went to the main hip hop room. Typical people in the hip hop room, you have the dancers in a circle trying to battle, you have the hipsters, you have the ghetto fabulous, the creepies, and you have the Hwood status. Did I have fun? YES.  In the hip hop room everyone is dancing except for the guys who scoop out girls or are just plain creepy. I suggest come in a big group.  Dress up or dress down.  Dress up to get dogged at by the local girls, dress down to pretend you are a local girl and dog girls who dress up.
by Dinorah Barba on
This place is absolutely gorgeous, old school I'm told. I have to admit, I was at the Roosevelt for their Halloween bash and have yet to experience the full effect with the rooms and what not, but they have a great poolside area with bar and when you are inside you do feel like you have been whisked away from all the crack whores and the bums which happen to be roaming no more than 500 yards away. My five hour stay there definitely piqued my interest to go back on a "normal" night - if there is such a thing in Hollyweird!
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