185 Miller Road
Cookeville, TN 38501
Putnam County
Phone: (931) 520-3927
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Elden Shutters on
I've been to exchange LA a few times on Friday night its been an excellent experience the venue is a sight to see. The promotional team that Feel Good Nights and Hannibal Hollywood have put together does a wonderful job of filling up the establishment with a great mix of beautiful people and  the music has been exceptional from Reza Fahtali, Mike Young Savi Leon to  this past  week Donald Glaude celebrated his birthday by throwing down an awesome set that left me exhausted from dancing it has been a welcome change from some of the other venues that offer house music and am looking forward to the event that will be held there
by Colin Koszyk on
There isn't much to say that hasn't been said before when you talk about the Clermont. When I lived in Atlanta it was a place that I brought all out of town visitors. The response is always the same... they stop right after walking in and wonder what in the F just happened. Tip well, be cool, enjoy.
by Genevieve M. on
I'm giving five stars to T, the head of security. He's amazing! Other than that, be prepared to wait for a LONG time if you're with guys.  And, I'd like to add that the crowd is getting extremely B & T on the weekends.  Prepare yourself.
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