Amnesia Brewing
832 North Beech Street
Portland, OR 97227
Multnomah County
Phone: (503) 281-7708
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Emma H. on
pricey and totally out of the way but this is an awesome spot for day drinking, my favorite. the bottom deck gets crowded and loud, i recommend sneaking up to the very top for some space, quiet and a view of the statue of liberty.
by Lawrence Tamburrino on
Wow, what a shithole. And I mean that in the nicest, most complimentary way. See, there's something wonderful about a dive where I can buy a glass of Stella for $2.50; where I'm seated at the bar next to a Latina tranny; where a tall, sexy, possibly gay guy presses his package into my back as he tries to curry favor with the bartender coiffed in dyke haircut #3; where I can play shuffleboard, which must be the most TEDIOUS FUCKING GAME EVER, but fuck you sometimes I LIKE IT SLOW; where "Fernando" by Abba sends both the staff and patrons into an orgasmic frenzy of screaming and mayhem last seen at Studio 54 -- THERE WAS SOMETHING IN THE AIR THAT NIGHT, THE STARS WERE BRIGHT, FERNANDOOOOO!!!!; where the heat lamps on the back patio are so fucking strong my hair almost goes MICHAEL JACKSON on me, and no I don't mean I turned into a pedophile though admittedly I used to be black; where I ACTIVELY PURSUE a guy in a baseball cap and untucked button down until I realize that he's actually a WOMAN. LOVED. IT.
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