Anderson's Annex Tavern
83 Purdy Place
Staten Island, NY 10309
Richmond County
Phone: (718) 948-9410
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Joy C. on
Hot, Crowded, Loud Music, Fun Drinks and the closest thing to being back in a West African Club I've found in 5 years... Even when the djs can spin worth crap, the music is always fun and I have a GREAT time!
by Marivel Bristo on
I've been here a few times for a variety of concerts when it was first called the palace and now recently since it's been called the avalon. I enjoy this venue but it's pretty much like any other venue. You come in and you have the choice to go onto the floor or you can go up to the second story and get seats there if you get there early enough, but usually everyone is down on the floor. There's 3 different bars, so that's good, but like any other venue i hate that you're not allowed to come in and out. There were no cameras allowed for the venue, so that bummed me out, not sure if it was for that specific show or if it's for every concert that takes place there. I recommend it if you plan on seeing a band you're even mildly into. There are some venues out there i would never recommend but this is one that i would.
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