Andres Lounge
1337 North Summit Street
Toledo, OH 43604
Lucas County
Phone: (419) 248-9201
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Harvey C. on
WEAK - If I could give them negative stars they'd get it. When you're on the guestlist (of a Ratecluber Elite) and you don't get in....What the F*ck? When you're 1 guy with 3 other women and you don't get in....What the F*ck? When mister BOUNCER lets 4 girls (not on the guest list) by having them "kiss each other like they mean it" because that's how he gets play...What the F*ck? Mister BOUNCER is an ass. Don't wast your time. I'd rather go slum it with my friends at Medjool and keep it real.
by Vella Pritcher on
Hole-in-the-wall? Yes. Glory-hole? Yes, in a non-disgusting kind of way. It looks like a tiny bar from the outside but once you get past the bar and shuffleboard, it opens up like an oasis or an oyster if you're there on a Friday. If you're into that hot-for-teacher sort of thang, this is the place to go. Where else can you go to find teachers getting their drink on? I'm keeping my motorcycle just so I don't have to deal with parking at places like this.
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